Name:Dr. Kabindra Bajracharya
Address: Kirtipur Municipality – 10, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Fellowship in Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, Lumbini Eye Institute (LEI), A.D.2014
- MD. Ophthalmology (NAMS), A.D. 2011
- MA. in Buddhist Studies (Tribhuvan University), A.D.2006
- P.G.D in Buddhist Studies (Tribhuvan University), A.D. 2004
- M.B.B.S, Nepal Medical College (Kathmandu University), A.D. 2003
Professional Experience
2014 and then: Consultant Pediatric Ophthalmologist, LEI
2013 – 2014: Fellowship in Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, LEI
2011- 2013: Ophthalmologist, LEI
2008-2011: Residency in Ophthalmology, Nepal Eye Hospital
2006-2008: Medical Officer, Kirtipur Hospital, PHECT Nepal
2004-2006: Medical Officer, Emergency department, TUTH, Kathmandu, Nepal
Working hospital:
Professor of ophthalmology
Consultant Pediatric Ophthalmologist
Outreach Director
Lumbini Eye Institute and Research Center
Siddharthanagar-3, Bhairahawa, Lumbini, Nepal
Organisation affiliated:
Executive member, Nepal Ophthalmic Society
Executive member, Lumbini Buddhist University
Executive member, SAARC Society of Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology
Executive member, Institutional Review committee, LEI
Published articles
Primary author
- Epidemiology and causes of optic atrophy in general outpatient department of Lumbini Eye Institute. Journal of Universal College of Medical Sciences (2015) Vol. 03. No. 02 Issue 10
- Penetrating eye injuries in pediatric population: an epidemiological study and visual outcome. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences (2016) Vol. 07. Issue 04
- Enterobius vermicularis in anterior chamber of eye. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences (2019) vol 10 issue 6
- Clinico-epidemiological characterstics of central retinal vein occlusion in a tertiary level eye care center of Nepal. Nepalese Journal of Ophthalmology (2014) Vol. 06. No. 11
- Clinical profile of patients presenting to low vision clinic of a tertiary center in western region of Nepal. Journal of Universal College of Medical Sciences (2014) Vol. 02. No. 02 Issue 06
- Clinical profile of Pediatric Ocular morbidity in a tertiary eye care centre in western region of Nepal. Ann Pediatr Child Health (2015) Vol. 03. No. 5
- An assessment of surgical outcome with the influencing factors of horizontal strabismus surgery. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences (2017). Vol. 08. 05
- Effectiveness of refractive error correction for people with oculocutaneous albinism in Nepal. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences (2017) Vol. 08. No. 06
- Visual outcome of congenital and developmental cataract surgery in lumina Eye Institute. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences (2018) Vol. 09. No. 02
- Cataract surgical quality and cost in a hill region of Western Nepal: comparing outreach eye camps with base hospital. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences (2018) Vol. 09. No. 04
Conference Paper
- Paper presented on Optic atrophy at Western Regional Ophthalmic Conference 2015, Nepal
- Paper presented on eye injuries in children at 18th Nepal Ophthalmic Society Conference March 2016, Nepal
- Electronic poster presented on pediatric eye injuries at ESCRS 34th Ophthalmology Conference, Denmark
- Presented paper on penetrating eye injuries paper and small incision cataract surgery video in Netherlands 2016
- Presented case on “Enterobius vermicularis in anterior chamber of eye” at 19th Nepal Ophthalmic Society conference and 11th Eastern Regional Ophthalmic Conference 2017, Nepal
- Presented on “Is monocular surgery for large angle infantile esotropia better option?” at National paediatric ophthalmology and strabismus conference organised by Lumbini Eye Institute.
- Presented on “Is monocular surgery for large angle infantile esotropia better option?” at SAARC academy of ophthalmology and Nepal ophthalmic society conference
- Presented on “Primary Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens Implantation in Congenital Cataract below 2 years” at SAARC academy of ophthalmology and Nepal ophthalmic society conference, 2018
- Presented on “Infantile esotropia and it’s surgical outcome in Lumbini Eye Institute” at Pediatric Ophthalmology Symposium, Kathmandu, organised by Tilganga institute of ophthalmology, 2018
- Presented on “Infantile esotropia and it’s surgical outcome in Lumbini Eye Institute” at XIIth EROPHCON, Lahan, organised by Sagarmatha Chaudhary Eye Hospital, 21-22 December 2018, keynote speaker and moderator
- Presented paper at International Lay Buddhist Form 9th, Thailand, Dec-Jan 2019.
- Presented paper on “The Role of Mindfulness Practice in Providing Quality Eye Services” at Casey Eye Institute, Public Health Ophthalmology Summit 19 July 2019, Oregon, USA
- Presented paper on “Surgical outcome of third nerve palsy: an option large lateral rectus recession and medial rectus resection” in XXI Nepal Ophthalmic Society Conference and II Western Regional Ophthalmic Society Conference 27-18 September 2019 organised by Lumbini Eye Institute, Bhairahawa
- Presented paper on “Profile of Strabismus surgery in Lumbini Eye Institute” at XIII Eastern Regional Ophthalmic Conference 18-19 October 2019 organised by Kedia Eye Hospital, Birgunj
- Presented paper on “Intraocular lens implantation with decreased calculated IOL power for emmetropia and post operative refractive status at the age of 8 years in congenital and developmental cataract” at 78th AIOS 2020, Delhi
International Ophthalmology Conference attended
- 64th Delhi Ophthalmic Conference, New Delhi, India
- AAO Conference 2015, Las Vegas, USA
- ESCRS 34th Ophthalmology conference 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark
- APAO 2018 Hong Kong
- WSPOS IV Hyderabad
- Public Health Summit, Casey Eye Institute, Oregon, USA
- AIOC 2020 78th AIOS, Gurgaon, Delhi
Nepal Bidhyabhusan “Kha” Gold medal
Beda Jwala Gold medal
Yesodhar Mahavihar Gold medal
Panchabir Singh Award
Prof. Yasuo Tano Travel Grant award Hong Kong 2018
Best poster award, APAO Hong Kong 2018
Guest faculty, AIOS 2020