General ophthalmology department is one of the important departments of LEI. There are three units. All the patients, who come to LEI, are screened by ophthalmic assistants and sent to general ophthalmology unit. This is the clinic where most of the cataract patients are admitted for surgery. Patients are counseled for phacoemulsification surgery and admitted if they are ready. Most of the ophthalmic disorders are managed by general ophthalmologist. Patients who need subspecialty consultation are sent to respective subspecialty clinics. Nd:Yag Laser Capsulotomy is done by general ophthalmologists. Telemedicine is also conducted with our peripheral eye care centers from this clinic. Currently we have ten general ophthalmologists in this department.

Dr.Anjana Sapkota
MD Ophthalmology
Dr.Smita Kafle
MD Ophthalmology
Dr.Suraj Adhikari
MD Ophthalmology
Dr.Arati Kattel
MD Ophthalmology
Dr.Sweta Shrestha
MD Ophthalmology
Dr.Pratistha Manandhar
MD Ophthalmology