• 08:00 am - 05:00 pm
  • General (OPD) Sunday-Friday
  • 24x7 365 Emergency service

Uveitis subspecialty service in LEI is being provided in all working days. IPD service is available for surgical cases and those who need systemic intravenous medications. Periocular injections via subconjunctival
and subtenon routes are usually provided in OPD services. We are giving antibiotics, antiviral drugs, and bevacizumab via intravitreal routes in major OT. Major ocular surgeries like complicated cataract surgery (small pupil/Iris Hooks/SICS/Phaco),pupilloplasty , core vitrectomy, Surgeries are scheduled accordingly. We have ancillary tests including FFA, OCT, B-scan which are very important for effective management of uveitis cases. Clinical photography such as anterior segment photography and fundus photography are useful documentation and research evidence. Besides that, it is very easy to counsel about the disease course and prognosis to patients with the help of photography. We are providing good quality tertiary level OPD and IPD service in LEI and receiving referral cases from our different satellite eye hospitals and other eye hospitals for chronic cases and emergency cases.


Dr. Ramita Kharel

MD Ophthalmology